Migrants only after money Sat, Apr 22, 2006 Post Bulletin
Migrant vs. immigrant.
The difference between these two words really defines a great deal of the problem with our dilemma over border control. We have, and always will have, IMMIGRANTS in this country. Besides the Native Americans, that is how this country was populated, and that is a fact.
Immigrants come to this country for religious, political, economical or other reasons; migrants, however, do not, that is also a fact.
The problems we are having with crime, terrorism and drug trafficking is not from immigrants — it is from migrants.
Immigrants have too much to lose. They come to the United States to actually start a new life, just like my great-great grandfather did when he immigrated from Denmark in the late 1800’s. Migrants do not.
Immigrants come to the United States to provide a better life for their families, like my soon-to-be wife’s father did when he came from Poland in the early 1990’s. Migrants do not.
Migrants, and more specifically illegal migrants, are causing problems of unparalleled proportions. The migrant is here for one thing — money. They don’t want to live here, they don’t want to start a new life as an American, and they don’t care about American citizenship. They are not invested in this country like an immigrant is, so there is nothing to lose.
Drugs, human trafficking, and yes, terrorism, flow like water through our borders now, because of complacent thinking, weak laws, and no physical obstacle at much of our southern border.
Support border control, and stronger laws against illegal occupation now, if not for your generation, then the next.
J. C.
Lake City
Hmm, what language should we pick
The Republican Eagle - 05/26/2006
To the Editor:
I’ve been thinking about the National Anthem being sung in Spanish. Maybe we should change the name from “The Star Spangled Banner” to “Jose Can You See.”
And has anyone besides me noticed they don’t sing the same words in Spanish? That makes me wonder, if I sang “Oh Tannenbaum” to the tune of”The Star Spangled Banner,” would people think I was singing the National Anthem in German?
And what should the official language be? I’m leaning toward English, but I’m absolutely against Spanish.
My ancestors came from Poland. They all learned to speak proper English, and I think it is unfair to make them learn a third language.
So, I think Polish should be our official language, poppies the national flower, and makofka the national dessert!
G. H.
Lake City