King, Britain, Tancreso, SEIU and more

Consider emailing or calling Congressman King with thanks - Ruthie
GOP Rep. Steve King compares US border fence to Great Wall of China
Britain gets it - too bad the US doesn’t - Ruthie
Britain’s PM Cameron unveils immigration crackdown
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled a crackdown on immigration on Monday, saying he planned to show illegal migrants “the door” and rein in welfare benefits he believes lure foreigners to live off the British state.

SEIU Welcomes Senator Rand Paul’s Support for Commonsense Immigration Reform

Tom Tancredo Disavows Rand Paul, Calls Him ‘Softer’ Than Obama on Immigration
New Border Patrol Uniforms Made in Mexico
This is the end result (until she sneaks back in) on a story I have kept you
in the loop about - not just identity theft but persona theft - this vic tims entire life
and look at what she received for a sentence
Seeing that he has been in the US for over 26 years and still cannot speak English - Don’t mind me while I show my disgust and do NOT do somersaults for the guy - Ruthie
Our Massively One-Sided Immigration Debate
Just think of how beneficial to the U.S. economy $1.5 billon would have been insteading of it being spent to award the lawless illegal alien with amnesty -
Gee maybe more border security - Ruthie
Utah immigration enforcement law on hold pending federal ruling