Please join Ruthie this week Oct 17th, 2013 from 8-10 pm CST
with GUEST: BRANDY BARON of Remember 1986 - Brandy will join the program at 9 pm
Brandy Baron is a leader in our battle to return our nation to law and order
and to combat illegal immigration and Amnesty.
We will be discussing the current protests taking place in AZ
We will discuss ‘Remember 1986’ and
We will discuss upcoming November 3 - National Day of Remembrance for those
who have paid the price… with their lives at the hands of illegal aliens
AZ - on the frontlines is being hit hard and one of several ground zero’s in our battle
Recently - protests were taking place calling for No More Deportations
Brandy was quoted (see below) that
Outside ICE headquarters, waiting on the other side of the street was the other side of the immigration argument.
These protestors support deportations of illegal immigrants. They belong to a group called Remember 1986 and are opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants.
As for the 1,000 immigrants being deported a day…
“I say it isn’t enough to deport them all. They knew when they came here illegally they knew when they came here we have laws and laws have consequences,” says Brandy Baron of Remember 1986.
6:00 pm PST - 8:00 pm CST - 9:00 pm EST
Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520
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