Quick Thank You……. Thank you to the SW Metro Tea Party for having both Ruthie and Susan Tully of FAIR as guest speakers on the issue of illegal immigration this pastMonday evening. United We Stand
Top US Doctor: Illegal Aliens May Be Spreading Mysterious Respiratory Disease (Video)
Finally an ad - something -
A focus on the individuals who’s best interests our politicians and representatives are suppose to be focusing on not those from a foreign country
As Paul Arnold from Make Them Listen adds…….
Here are the real dreamers. The American Dreamers…Our children..
With UNTOLD MILLIONS of illegal aliens taking jobs from AMERICAN WORKERS, even considering amnesty in ANY form is beyond ridiculous. Just enforce our laws and ACTUALLY SECURE our borders. STOP illegal crimmigrants from crossing in and taking OUR jobs !
The Obama Admin Just Got Slammed With A Major Lawsuit That Could Be A Crushing Blow
“How many Americans will be killed, maimed, or victimized…”
October 3, 2014
California city council candidate receives death threats over Mexican flag flap
Published September 26, 2014
Fox News Latino
Record 61.8 million U.S. Residents Speak
Foreign Language at Home
View the entire report at: http://cis.org/record-one-in-five-us-residents-speaks-language-other-than-english-at-home
Foreign Language at Home
View the entire report at: http://cis.org/record-one-in-
The Family of Slain U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Issues Statement on the Resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Amnesty Is Coming
By LD Jackson
I DISAGREE We have defeated Amnesty time and time again
We must do so again
I believe this lawlessness can still be stopped
California Congressional District Election Hosts Spanish-Language Debate
Luis 2016? Amnesty Advocates Readying ‘Draft Gutierrez’ Movement
Spanish nurse contracts Ebola in first transmission case outside of Africa
Poll: Majority Believe Illegals Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Attend US Schools
by Tony Lee 2 Oct 2014 117 post a comment
A majority of likely voters think illegal immigrant juveniles should not be allowed to attend local schools while they await their immigration hearings.
Two illegals allowed to ride with president in limo from White House, Obama brags
Illegal alien captured by ICE working as armed security officer
Crash victim’s sister: How could illegal alien not know he hit someone after windshield smashed?
Illegal alien charged with repeatedly raping 9-year-old girl in New Jersey
43 Missing Students, a Mass Grave and a Suspect: Mexico’s Police
Illegal alien hits two children at school bus stop in North Carolina
Illegal immigrant arrested for identity theft