News for Dec 18th

Bush says he will run on his Conservative Value - You HAVE GOT TO BE kidding me! Supports amnesty, (already a ‘no go’ for me) supports common core, said we should stop battling Obamacare etc.
At the risk of losing support from a few of you or members at my page…..
Please let me make myself extremely clear………..
Many of us have held our noises in the past and voted for the worst of two evils because the RINO and PROGRESSIVE leaderships … left us no choice. NOT THIS TIME - if Bush gets the nod I will be voting third party or a write in
Enough !!!!!!  PS those who say then my vote will be a wasted vote - from where I sit - voting for Bush is a wasted vote
Jeb Bush announces he will ‘actively explore’ run for president
Published December 16, 2014
From 2012 Folks
Amnesty and Common Core: Two Sides of the Same Coin - Part I
by Dr. Susan Berry 28 Apr 2014 96 post a comment
Is there any wonder why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and scores of elites from both political parties are ardent champions of both amnesty for illegal immigrants and the Common Core centralized educational standards?
Amnesty and Common Core: Two Sides of the Same Coin - Part II
by Dr. Susan Berry 30 Apr 2014 30 post a comment
As I stated two weeks ago on The Ruthie Report…………..
Why would any illegal sign up when 6 to 15 plus additional illegal aliens get a pass without giving up any info and paying a ‘so called’ fine. Gee Obama and his minions must think illegal aliens are just that stupid to do so
Obama Immigration Official to Illegals: Apply for Amnesty Without Fear
Ecuador Family Wins Favors After Donations to Obama Campaign
The New York Times
Republican Amnesty: In Lies We Trust
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD December 16, 2014
It was a Republican electoral head fake.
Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Want to Talk About His ‘No’ Vote on Cruz’s Point Of Order on Executive Amnesty
U.S. Supreme Court bars Arizona from denying driver’s licenses to illegal aliens
Boehner Omnibus Gives Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens Under Obama Amnesty
Pages 958 and 959 of the 1,603-page omnibus spending bill from House Speaker John Boehner include a provision that gives Social Security benefits to illegal aliens under President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty.
FBI: 199 Americans Kidnapped in Mexico in 2014
by Ildefonso Ortiz 17 Dec 2014, 5:23 AM PDT 301 post a comment
MCALLEN, Texas — Almost 200 Americans have been kidnapped in Mexico this past year; 79 of those kidnappings took place just south of the Texas border in the Mexican State of Tamaulipas, according to an FBI interview with Breitbart Texas.
Az Sheriff Babeu: Obama Executive Order Could Give As Many As 20 Million Amnesty
Back to Breitbart TV
Texas prosecutor becomes first Latina to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Published December 16, 2014
Fox News Latino
I will have a program in January 2015 on Refugees Coming To America
Next Surge Of “Refugees” Will Be Imported Middle Easterners – Obama’s Transformation of America Continues
Illegal Alien Drug Smuggler Sues Border Patrol, Demanding Cash After Dog Bites Him During Arrest
Texas Deputies Help Capture 25 Illegal Immigrants — Including Unaccompanied 15-Yr-Old Girl