Texas Border Volunteers on The Ruthie Report to round out 2014


Please join Ruthie this week on The Ruthie Report December 18th, 2014 8-10 pm CST
With Guest Jim Gibson of the Texas Border Volunteers
Jim will join the program at the top of the 9:00 hour
I wanted to bring you an informative and fact packed program for the last ‘The Ruthie Report’ of 2014
There will be no show Dec 25th nor Jan 1st
Jim and Ruthie will discuss the December stat’s and give an overall summary of the year - 66,000 so called kids - what they are seeing and what is transpiring now and what the TBV expects will be the result of Obama’s amnesty message.
You do not want to miss it!
TBV December 2014 Watch
A very productive watch with criminal trespasser (illegal alien) reports, drug smuggling, Border Patrol apprehensions, a rescue and valuable intel. We had a full crew of dedicated Texas Border Volunteers and a couple of new members attend.
A total of 47 criminal trespassers’ were reported during this 4 day watch with 44 apprehensions by Border Patrol agents! That is more than double the amount of illegals reported during our October Watch (18 illegals reported/9 BP apprehensions).
Traffic is still slow, comparatively speaking, but climbing upwards in numbers every month. An example is to compare last year’s TBV numbers with this year’s watch. In November of 2013, we reported 94 illegal aliens and 55 were apprehended by Border Patrol.
During this Watch a moderate sized group was reported and 2 were loaded down with large bundles of marijuana. All were apprehended by Border Patrol but the bundles were not recovered. It is unknown at this time, but doubtful, that the load will be found.
Two days later a distressed illegal alien was seen by an Agua station. This man from Honduras had an injured leg and was left behind by his group. These Agua stations are far and few between. While in this case the station might have been beneficial to this individual, it is widely known that drug smugglers and the human smugglers use these stations to replenish themselves, leave the discarded jugs and assorted trash on the land-owners property and then go on their merry way!
Some intel was also gathered and sent to Border Patrol in Falfurrias, Hebbronville Border Patrol Station and Texas DPS (Dept. of Public Safety)Intel Division. It cannot be divulged at this time the nature of the material but there are many (as seen from the above law enforcement entities)that are interested.
We will be trying to push forward in 2015 with some innovative ideas, additional equipment and objectives.
Merry Christmas to all!
6:00 pm PST - 8:00 pm CST - 9:00 pm EST

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