If you haven’t heard - we have a VICTORY - whether it withstands the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans or goes all the way to the Supreme Court - a victory is a victory.
Illegal aliens and their supporters are livid - much like we have been …fighting this lawlessness - day in and day out….only we have the law in our camp. One must wonder if these illegal aliens, their supporters and the moles/trolls who support this are aware that their ‘Savior’ Obama never signed an executive order…instead having DHS put forth a memo…a memo with a timeline.
I for one, will take whatever victory we can get while fighting forward for the return of the Rule of Law, what is best for the American Citizenry and this nation, not illegal alien foreigners and with 26 States demanding it be stopped - let’s get loud and proud and show our support.
As for the DHS funding ….. This only adds to the pressure of Democrats who scream that DHS must be
funded (a clean bill) and refuse to remove the amnesty funding. In reality DHS will continue on funding or no funding so Republicans UNITE and HOLD THE LINE. Call them tell them to STAND STRONG.
funded (a clean bill) and refuse to remove the amnesty funding. In reality DHS will continue on funding or no funding so Republicans UNITE and HOLD THE LINE. Call them tell them to STAND STRONG.
Please stay alert and engaged…. The thought in Washington is at this will be heard immediately by the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans with the outcome split - some stay the Court will uphold it and others saying it will be reversed - which then means on to the Supreme Court.
This is what is currently posted at US Citizenship and Immigration Services along with the guidelines that have been stopped due to this injunction.
Update: Due to a federal court order, USCIS will not begin accepting requests for the expansion of DACA on February 18 as originally planned. The court’s temporary injunction, issued February 16, does not affect the existing DACA. Individuals may continue to come forward and request an initial grant of DACA or renewal of DACA under the guidelines established in 2012. Please check back for updates.
Contact Judge Hanen and THANK HIM
Chambers Contacts
Adalia Mora, Judicial Secretary
Chambers of Judge Andrew S. Hanen
United States Courthouse
600 East Harrison St., #301
Brownsville, TX 78520
Federal judge halts Obama’s amnesty orders
Boehner says ruling should clear path for Homeland Security funding
Published: 18 hours ago. Updated: 02/17/2015 at 9:40 AM
Hopes On Hold: Dreamers Vent Anger Over Immigration Ruling
Cruz: Judge’s ruling ‘turning point’ in amnesty battle
Order stalling ‘lawless’ executive action unites GOP
Senate Democrats Choosing Illegal Immigrants Over Border Patrol Agents
Amnesty Injunction Saddens Mexico, Central America
Jorge Ramos Warns ‘Latino Voters Will Remember’ Injunction in ’16
Oh Please - many Latino’s feel the way we do - NO AMNESTY NO PASS - apparently Ramos is talking about illegals liens and they are not able to vote in the first place - Get a grip Jorge
Rep Luis Gutierrez – A Militant Man Of The People, The Illegal Latino People – Warns Of Retaliation Against American Citizens
More rudeness, acting out and borderline lawless behavior at the hands of the lawless
Pro-Immigration Protestors Tell GOP Lawmakers We Will Confront Your ‘Racist Sentiments’
February 18, 2015 - 2:25 PM
White House again urges Congress to fund the Department of Homeland Security
WND Exclusive
Syrian refugee program called ‘back door for jihadists’
‘Barbarians are at the gate,’ says congressman
Italy evacuates citizens by sea from Libya; urges greater UN mission as security deteriorates
During a visit to Las Vegas, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio suggested Wednesday that Congress should pass a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security without conditions, essentially stepping back from a battle with President Barack Obama over his executive actions on immigration.
Constitution Check: Is the President’s new immigration policy already a constitutional dead letter?
Conservative Tribune
BREAKING: These 2 States Just Made a Huge Move to Stop Illegals From Getting Driver’s Licenses
Drunk Driving Is Illegal, Except For Illegals – Border Patrol Ordered Not To Arrest DUI Offenders
Patriots….Contact MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) ask them where the are on this and why they are awol and have been for sometime on illegal alien Drunk Driving.
What I wrote……………..
“MADD where do you stand on this - I have asked your organization in the past to get involved in illegal alien drunk driving with no response - now they will get a pass altogether - leading to more American lives lost that were totally preventable…..what say you?”
MADD on Facebook
Studies: Exec Amnesty Will Strain CA Budget–Illegals Eligible for Medi-Cal, Cash Assistance
L.A. Times Concedes ‘Serious Diseases’ Come from Mexico, Central America
Twice-Deported Illegal Alien With Terror Ties, DUI Convictions Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal
FEBRUARY 19, 2015
Border Patrol Agents Arrest Illegal Alien Wanted For Murder in Texas
Posted on February 17, 2015 by Dave Gibson
This is how secure our southern border is - pumping gas - Good God!!!!!
How long did he sexually abuse this child before fleeing to Mexico and simply returning?
McALLEN – A fugitive wanted for an aggravated sexual assault on a child was arrested after being on the run for two weeks, police say.
Jose Antonio Moreno, 49, was arrested outside a Stripes convenience store on South 10th Street and Business 83 about 7 p.m. Wednesday, San Juan Police Chief Juan Gonzalez said.
Police Arrest Mexican National Videoing Woman in Walmart Bathroom
News Illegal Alien Murdered 6-Month-Old Baby in North Carolina
Illegal Alien Murdered 6-Month-Old Baby in North Carolina
Dave Gibson 02/16/2015News