Dave Gibson on IA Crime and the Haitian Parole Program on The Ruthie Report

Dave Gibson on Illegal Alien Crime and the Haitian Parole Program on The Ruthie Report

Please join Ruthie this week ……. Thursday Feb 19th, 2015  at 9 pm EST, 8 pm CST, 6 pm PST
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LIVE:  Thursday evening
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Dave …formerly of the Examiner and now reporting at The Universal Free Press and the Illegal Alien Crime Report
http://universalfreepress.com/author/davegibson/page/11/#.. has worked as a freelance writer for many years, covering immigration, politics and crime. He once made a living working on Republican campaigns, and has served as a legislative aide to a Va. state senator. He is a frequent contributor to several radio shows, including the Talk Back w/Chuck Wilder Show.

Dave and Ruthie will discuss

1. DHS To Implement Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program

2.     The recent stat’s of Child Sexual Assault at the hands of illegal aliens in North Carolina
……the numbers are frightening - check it out at www.NCFIRE.org

3. Dave’s never ending reporting of crimes committed by illegal aliens keeping us all informed
     Our thanks and gratitude for his reporting day in and day out on this out of control lawlessness