Please join Ruthie Thursday, June 2nd and June 9th, 2016 at 10 pm EST, 9 pm CST, 8 pm MST or 7 pm PST
Folks - With few exceptions including Thanksgiving and Christmas The Ruthie Report airs live each week.
With that said however - we are excitedly expecting the arrival of our Daughter and two Grandbabies for the next two weeks…… Ages 3 and 5 !!!! It will be virtually impossible to prepare for and air a live show with these little guys here.
Therefore, two excellent pre-aired programs will take my place
June 2nd - Rusty Fleming - May edition - will return live July 7th
June 9th - A solo show - chalked with information.
June 16th - RETURNING LIVE - watch for guest and program announcement
I really hate to do this but our time with our Daughter and these Little Tikes - is so limited due to the miles between us - so we really see them only once a year.