Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney new to speaking out and sharing on The Ruthie Report

Please join Ruthie Thursday, August 18th, 2016 at 10 pm EST, 9 pm CST, 8 pm MST or 7 pm PST with GUEST: Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney

Agnes is the Mother of Ronald Da Silva - Ronald was murdered by a previously deported illegal alien. Shot at the end of his girlfriends driveway by an illegal alien targeting the man Ronald was speaking with.

Agnes… now… after the time that has passed since Ronald’s murder - feels that she must speak out…

She must bring awareness for Ronald and all those who have suffered so much.

Ronald was murdered in 2002 and it was not until this May of 2016 that Agnes has decided that now is the time for her tragedy to be told - for her thoughts and actions to take place…. to fight so for those who know too well the pain she feels.

Agnes - a legal resident from Hungary - She will share with us updates on the incarcerated illegal alien that snuffed out Ronald’s life…. her story and the number of years it took for her family to enter LEGALLY  to the United States. Her message to politicians like Senator Lara of California and Obama and she will share her thoughts on Trump’s message.

PLEASE tune in to acknowledge and support Agnes in her determination to speak out… speaking out loud clear and persistent … Agnes like others having to relive and address their pain day in and day out  to speak for us all!!!!

