To: The President of the United States of America
And the Honorable Members of Congress Petiton # 6002-5-4
As a Concerned Citizen, I am calling on a plan of action for Immigration Reform
Illegal Immigration is a national crisis and a massive financial cost to the American People. Therefore, I support legislative and executive efforts that embody the following principles.
BORDER SECURITY – Implement legislation that requires the securing of our northern and southern borders to aid in our Homeland Security efforts.
NO AMNESTY – Our nation should not consider granting amnesty that provides legal residency, privileges or other benefits to current illegal aliens.
DEPORTATION – Illegal aliens who are in the United States have broken our laws and need to be sent back to then enter legally.
STOP BENEFITS – Stop providing tax-dollar paid benefits to illegal aliens. Such as medical, welfare, financial aid and forms of documentation such as drivers license etc.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE – Enforce that the English language (the language of the land) is required as a pre-requisites for legal citizenship.
EMPLOYERS HIRING ILLEGALS – Stricter and enforced punishment of U. S. businesses that knowingly employ illegal aliens.
This Petition is being distributed by Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform.