C and INSANE for this week

Immigration officer: Congress heeded illegal immigrants, not law enforcement
Mother of stillborn lost in Regions laundry was 14
A 32-year-old man was charged with statutory rape for allegedly having sex with the 14-year-old mother of a stillborn that was sent in dirty linens to a Red Wing laundry last week, according to criminal charges.
On April 3, a teen from St. Paul delivered a stillborn at Regions Hospital, according to charges filed Friday in Ramsey County District Court against the baby’s alleged father. Jose Armando Recinos-Ramirez of St. Paul was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
PERRIS: Naked man crawls through dog door, seeks sex
A Perris man is behind bars after authorities say he crawled naked through a dog door into a neighbor’s house and demanded sex with the woman who lives there.
On Monday, Englewood police arrested Gabriel Cordoba, 55, after he reportedly sexually abused a 16-year-girl in her home.
Cordoba was staying with the girl’s family at the time of the assault.
The Colombian national has been in the country illegally for 30 years, according to police.
Earlier this week San Diego Border Patrol agents, part of the California Corridor Campaign, were working in East County when they apprehended one of San Diego’s most dangerous human smugglers.
Keep reading: http://www.examiner.com/article/border-patrol-nabs-wanted-dangerous-human-trafficker
Woman unknowingly takes 30 pounds of pot across U.S.-Mexico border
Fraudulent credit cards seized at Arizona border
NOGALES, Ariz. (AP) — Federal authorities say a Mexican man is accused of trying to smuggle nearly 80 fraudulent credit cards into southern Arizona.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers were conducting an inspection of a tourist bus at the Dennis DeConcini Port in Nogales.
They selected 23-year-old Leonardo Daniel Robles Castro of Hermosillo, Sonora, for further inspection.

During the search, CBP officers say they found and seized two packages containing a total of 79 counterfeit credit cards along with a fraudulent driver’s license.

Authorities say Robles was arrested and referred to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement‘s Homeland Security Investigations.

Ex-accountant for cartel tells of money laundering

Hospital sends illegals home, OOIDA ruling and much more

US hospitals send hundreds of immigrants back home

Days after they were badly hurt in a car accident, Jacinto Cruz and Jose Rodriguez-Saldana lay unconscious in an Iowa hospital while the American health care system weighed what to do with the two immigrants from Mexico.

The men had health insurance from jobs at one of the nation’s largest pork producers. But neither had legal permission to live in the U.S., nor was it clear whether their insurance would pay for the long-term rehabilitation they needed.

So Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines took matters into its own hands: After consulting with the patients’ families, it quietly loaded the two comatose men onto a private jet that flew them back to Mexico, effectively deporting them without consulting any court or federal agency.

Avra Valley man displays migrant litter on front yard
Court Denies Teamsters, OOIDA Bids to Stop Cross-Border Mexican Truck Program
Illegals skate on ‘public charge’ rule in ‘Gang of 8′ bill

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/22/illegals-skate-on-public-charge-rule-in-gang-of-eight-bill/#ixzz2RLij1JQj

Obama’s Labor Department Nominee Is The Embarrassing Gift That Keeps Giving
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Washington, DC- Congressman Steve King released the following statement in response to the comprehensive immigration bill introduced by the Senate “Gang of Eight” yesterday:
“The Gang of Eight’s bill is aggressive and outrageous amnesty,” said King. “It is instant legalization of all illegal immigrants in the United States, with very few exceptions. It contains only promises: the promise of a plan for border security, of a backup plan for the border security, and of workplace enforcement in the form of making E-Verify mandatory. What makes anyone think President Obama would enforce any future immigration laws when he has violated his own oath of office to take care that the laws be ‘faithfully executed’?
I expected this from Democrats who have long understood their brand of more taxes, more borrowing, and more government giveaways, and know how to sell it. It is the Republicans who should know better. Republicans who support this bill have effectively said to Americans, ‘we are prepared to sacrifice the Rule of Law on the altar of misguided and erroneous political expediency’.”
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On Wednesday morning, April 24 at 9am, the African American Leadership Council will host a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, to oppose the Senate Gang of Eight’s 844-page plus, immigration bill. During the conference, the Council will call on the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), to protect black labor by opposing amnesty and halting efforts to double legal immigration levels, as required under the bill.
Many black leaders have recognized the harm caused by large increases in immigration as the Senate bill entails. As the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently reported, illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has “depress[ed] both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men.”
“The Senate Gang of Eight’s immigration bill is not only impractical, but immoral,” said Frank Morris, Council leader, and former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. “Increasing immigration levels through amnesty and new visa programs, particularly at the low-skilled level, will flood the labor market with millions more people, leading to higher unemployment, more poverty, and a lower standard of living for many in the black community.” Blacks have an unemployment rate nearly twice that of the national average. The Senate’s immigration plan to drastically increase the immigrant work force will continue to keep that number high.
Coalition Leaders Urge the Congressional Black Caucus to:
  • Recognize the devastating impact that a legalization plan would have on low-skilled labor, particularly in the black community;
  • Remember its duty to protect black constituents by acknowledging the damaging impact mass immigration has on low-skilled workers.
“With unemployment at 7.6% this is preposterous,” said Coalition member Charles Butler. “I think most everyone can agree on the need to support working and middle-class citizens during a depressed economy. This bill would provide green cards and residency benefits to illegal aliens when many Americans are hurting the most. What makes sense is for America’s jobs to be reserved for people who are legally entitled to compete for them.”
Coalition Members Include:
Dr. William G. Owens, President and Founder of the Coalition of African American Pastors, Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, President and Founder of BOND Action, Frank Morris, Former Executive Director, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Assistant Bishop Curtis A. Rodgers, Northern, IL, Church of God In Christ, Charles Butler, Veteran Chicago area Talk Show Host of The Take with Charles Butler, Leah V. Durant, Former US DOJ Immigration Attorney and Principal, Law Offices of Leah V. Durant, PLLC, T. W. Fair, President and CEO, Urban League of Greater Miami, Vernon Robinson, Former Council Member, Winston-Salem, NC and former candidate for US Congressional Office, Kevin Jackson, Radio Host and Executive Director, The Black Sphere, Leo Alexander, Broadcaster, Writer and Political Commentator, Washington, DC

Tamara Kelli Greenhill - PERSONA THEFT - The Ruthie Report

Due to issues that BlogTalkRadio was having and the fact that
Ruthie lost electricity last Thursday due to a snow storm…..
Tamara Greenhill graciously understood and will be Ruthie’s Guest
this week

Please join Ruthie this week April 25th, 2013 with
8 - Lead Stories - 8:30 Criminally and Insane - Guest
This Weeks GUEST is: Tamara Kelli Greenhill
***What would you do if someone stole your whole life?
***What would be your response to find that an illegal alien claims to be you
***Can you imagine the frustration only - not to mention all the hard work to
retain your identity, credit rating and life
Tamara will tell us her ordeal - A STORY YOU MUST HEAR
Surprising - the now convicted illegal alien is taking action against this ruling
Tune in to hear what one must endure when your PERSONA is STOLEN
Taking Action Investigation: A Stolen Life – The Tamara Greenhill Story
6:00 pm PST - 8:00 pm CST - 9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520

via “The Truth Squad”

Click here and then on The Ruthie Report

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley


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Representatives Take A Stand

Dear Members
Jeffrey T. Kuhner — World Tribune
Amnesty and the end of the Republican Party
Republicans may be committing a fatal error. During its proud history, the GOP has embraced heroic causes decrying slavery, preserving our union, defending modern capitalism, opposing Soviet communism and protecting unborn children. It is a seminal institution that has been pivotal in forging a free and prosperous America. If wiser heads do not prevail, however, the party is on the verge of committing suicide…

America needs more low-skilled immigrants like Chicago needs more gun laws. But you wouldn’t know that listening to the debate on “comprehensive immigration reform.”
The next amnesty bill ought to be titled, “The American Worker Impoverishment Act of 2013.”
Please consider emailing or calling these members of Congress
thanking them for their stand against AMNESTY
And the Senate
From the website of Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) via ALIPAC

Smith: Senate Strikes Out on Immigration Proposal

Washington, Apr 16 -

Congressman Smith issued the below statement today criticizing the Senate’s amnesty proposal.

Congressman Smith: “It’s three strikes and you’re out for the Senate’s immigration proposal.

First, it legalizes almost everyone in the country illegally before the border is secured. This, of course, will encourage even more illegal immigration.

“Second, it puts the interests of foreign workers ahead of the interests of American workers. The immigration plan allows millions of illegal immigrants to compete with American workers, driving down their wages.

“And third, it treats illegal immigrants better than those who have played by the rules and waited their turn in line to come to the United States. Illegal immigrants get legal status immediately. The law-abiding—well, they just have to continue waiting.

“I don’t think the American people are going to give the Senate another turn at bat.”


House Republicans Take Stand Against Amnesty

After months of listening to pro-amnesty Members of Congress advocate for “comprehensive” immigration reform (a.k.a. amnesty) for the 11-12 million illegal aliens in the U.S., true immigration reformers in the House of Representatives began voicing their objections last week in anticipation of amnesty legislation to be introduced in the coming days.
The House Members held a press event Thursday to explain their opposition. “We held our powder dry but decided to come forward now because we are seeing the inertia [of immigration reform] and we are concerned about having this wash over us and not have the opportunity for constitutional conservatives in this country and in this Congress to have their voice heard,” said Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who is leading the lawmakers’ efforts. (Daily Caller, Apr. 11, 2013)
Rep. King was joined by Reps. Lou Barletta (R-PA), Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), Mo Brooks, (R-AL), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX), each Member making critical arguments against granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

Border Security and Boston and The Bill

Dear Members

Border security and Boston attack highlights nexus between terrorism/immigration
They Come To America
Wonderful sarcasm in this article
Gang of 8 Plan to Deal with American’s Job Surplus by Importing 1 Mil Workers a Year
$ Billions in loophole-filled amnesty scheme for invaders, families
More good people coming to do the work Americans refuse to do
In his revealing, must-read 2-page report, The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro details the “Many loopholes hidden in the immigration bill” being shepherded by Arizonans John McCain and Jeff Flake, doing Obama’s work in collusion with the Gang of 8 gangsters. McCain admits it’s “not that much different from what we tried to do in 2007.”
Munro’s exposé comes as the reality of the ongoing criminality of those who will be granted green cards that are precursors to legal status is showcased by yesterday’s arrest of a Mexican man attempting to smuggle 79 counterfeit credit cards into Arizona. Leonardo Daniel Robles Castro, 23, of Hermosillo, Sonora is in custody after border agents found the contraband while conducting a routine inspection of a tourist bus in Nogales, AZ.
Source: Many loopholes hidden in immigration bill
A look deep inside the Gang of Eight bill — and how they’ll sell immigration reform to conservatives

Three members of the United States Commission on Civil Rights wrote on Thursday to Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH) to express their belief that amnesty or legalization of some 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. will hurt the black community.

“In light of recent debates on comprehensive immigration reform, we are writing to address a rarely-discussed effect of granting legal status or effective amnesty to illegal immigrants,” the three Civil Rights Commission members wrote. “Such grant of legal status will likely disproportionately harm lower-skilled African-Americans by making it more difficult for them to obtain employment and depressing their wages when they do obtain employment.”
“The increased employment difficulties will likely have negative consequences that extend far beyond economics,” the authors warn.

C and I - Obama Gonna Let Me Go and more

Dear Members
Illegal Immigrant Apprehended at Border: ‘Obama’s Gonna Let Me Go’

It seems even illegal immigrants seeking to cross over the U.S.-Mexico border are following the current immigration debate. Linda Vickers, who owns a ranch in Brooks County, Texas, told WOAI that she witnessed one man being arrested on her ranch and that he told the border agent Obama would let him go.

“The Border Patrol agent was loading one man up, and he told the officer in Spanish, ‘Obama’s gonna let me go’,” Vickers said.

Meanwhile, Border Patrol agents report that some immigrants will even ask, “Where do I go for my amnesty?” while they are surrendering.

From TBV
A large group LARGE GROUP - caught on film
DUVAL COUNTY - Of the 11 million people believed to be living in the United States illegally, many make their way here by crossing Mexico’s border with Texas. Just last week, a hunter’s game camera in Duval County caught 19 illegal immigrants crossing their land in Concepcion

‘We’re being inundated’: Arizona group documents border battle with revealing audio, images

The illegal immigrant who was drunk driving when he hit and dragged a Milford man to his death has been ruled incompetent to stand trial.
Judge Janet Kinton-Walker says Nicolas Guaman’s “unique cultural background” and language barrier means that he doesn’t understand the court process. The court also said that he lacks the ability to consult with his attorney properly.
The judge ordered Guaman’s attorney to find an interpreter and educate him on the court process.
Public defender seeks deportation for convicted child molester from Montclair
Who mailed live explosive to Sheriff Joe?
Authorities have confirmed that an apparent bomb addressed to Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was uncovered and diverted, and now investigators are beginning to look into a list of his enemies for any links or connections.
Cartel money laundering trial begins in Texas

Tamara Greenhill - PERSONA THEFT - The Ruthie Report

Please join Ruthie this week April 18th, 2013 with
8 - Lead Stories - 8:30 Criminally and Insane - Guest
This Weeks GUEST is: Tamara Kelli Greenhill
***What would you do if someone stole your whole life?
***What would be your response to find that an illegal alien claims to be you
***Can you imagine the frustration only - not to mention all the hard work to
retain your identity, credit rating and life
Tamara will tell us her ordeal - A STORY YOU MUST HEAR
Surprising - the now convicted illegal alien is taking action against this ruling
Tune in to hear what one must endure when your PERSONA is STOLEN
Taking Action Investigation: A Stolen Life – The Tamara Greenhill Story
6:00 pm PST - 8:00 pm CST - 9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520

via “The Truth Squad”

Click here and then on The Ruthie Report

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley


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(select corresponding date)

Archived at Red State Talk Radio at redstatetalkradio.com

April 8th week C and I Orders of Release Are you KIDDING ME

Dear Members

Given ORDERS OF RELEASE - Are You KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Undocumented Immigrants Released in Brownsville
video included
Five Illegal ALIENS women caught - simply cut loose with an Order of Release
and a bus ticket to travel the United States - What is going on?????
Watch the Video
Our laws have turned into a GLOBAL JOKE
Obama and ICE leading the way in the punch line
Five women told to report to their deportation officer - seriously????
We hear from the Gangsters of Eight that there will be tough enforcement
Is this what they are talking about - Ask them how we are suppose to
believe a thing they say - when this is what is taking place - they entered ILLEGALLY
and now thanks to the same 8 gangsters - dreams of Amnesty I am sure are….
53 Mexicans sit on death row in U.S.
This week, Mexico‘s Senate formally asked the Foreign Relations Secretariat for a report on the number of Mexicans on death row in the United Statesand efforts being made to provide them with legal assistance.

Human rights activists have expressed concern about a possible “wave of executions” of Mexicans in the United States, Sen. David Monreal, who sponsored the measure, said, without explaining the source of the information.
40 Percent in US Illegally Overstayed Their Visas
About 40 percent of illegal immigrants in the United States have overstayed their tourist, education, or work visas, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Illegal alien charged with sexaully assaulting 5-year-old girl in Maryland
Illegal alien charged with molesting girl in California