Mr. President - We Have Had Enough !!!

In A Nutshell… A judge has ruled, that the Trump Admin’s decision to end a program (daca) that was illegally implemented in the first place, is….(wait for it)… illegal. ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Judge John D. Bates said that the administration’s decision to terminate the program, was based on the “virtually unexplained” grounds that the program was “unlawful.
Not only that - he has ruled that this Administration must also start taking applications again?… This Judge is promoting lawlessness and he knows it.
Where was all this judicial ACTIVISM when Obama illegally implemented this program?!?!?
The Judge has given DHS 90 days to to better explain it’s reasoning for ending it. WHAT!!! You CANNOT make this stuff up!!!
So, while we wait to see what really happens at our southern border today with the caravan - in our interior, the judicial asinine nonsense continues.
Mr. President.
We The People are tired of this nonsense. We are tired of seeing the enforcement of our LAWS combated at every turn, all in the name of illegal alien foreigners.
We are tired of the judicial bias and actions to end the Obama pandering. We are tired of seeing YOUR DIRECTIVES being ignored and thrown under the bus.
Mr. President PLEASE hear us. Direct your focus on the lawlessness in play and…. END IT!
Really Folks - what good is it to elect -WITH OUR VOICES- our Presidential leaders if some federal judge sitting behind a desk, makes all the decisions anyways? Congress and the President make decision on illegal immigration - not some illegal alien loving Judge that posses a clear bias.