Why is there so much legislative effort to reward illegal aliens INSTEAD of addressing Americans security, safety, sovereignty and futures …. AMERICA FIRST!!!
WHY - Why are they working for illegal aliens first instead of Americans first?
This writer say that Conservatives in the Freedom Caucus wanted to slow the momentum of bipartisan immigration legislation to help young dreamers….(meaning an amnesty reward).
I say - I thought that The President has already said that a DACA deal was dead!
Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla. said it’s a “mistake” for conservatives to play the farm and immigration bills against each other. “You don’t hold one thing hostage for something that’s totally different,” -
I ask… isn’t that exactly what we have seen from the Democrat’s and illegal alien swamp dwelling OVER THE WALL?
This is just more political theater AT OUR EXPENSE all for individuals who should -BY LAW- be removed from this Country…
No Amnesty - No Daca amnesty reward - STOP the pandering, enforce our current laws and BUILD THE WALL while doing so.